A little about St. Tim
Thank for taking the time to check out our little home on the web. We hope you find what you’re looking for. Feel free to email us if you have any questions!
On Sundays, we gather as a community, in person and online.
10:30 AM Worship
Join us for worship on Sundays! We celebrate communion on the first Sunday, the children of the church help lead worship the third Sunday, and we have interactive sermons once a month. Our music is a mix of traditional and modern hymns and you might even find an occasional hint of folk and Southern spiritual/bluegrass. We live stream our worship service to our Youtube channel each week and it is saved as an upload to be enjoyed at anytime.
12:15PM Bible Study
Join us for Bible study Sunday mornings directly after fellowship hour. Generally it starts around 12:15 but it’s casual and we all just gather together once talking and eating start to wind down.
We get together for prayer, studies, and fellowship throughout the week.
Monday Noon Zoom Bible Study
On Mondays, we gather on Zoom to study scriptures. We’ve studied the Gospel of Mark and the Synoptic Gospel similarities and differences. Everyone is welcome. For the link information, please contact the church.
Tuesday Morning 7:30 AM Prayer & Praise
We are gathering for prayer on Tuesdays at 7:30AM EDT on a conference call (712)451-0428 code to join 2 3 5 6 4 5. We have been gathering for prayer on Tuesday mornings for over a decade. We always welcome new voices to the group.
Thursday Morning 9:30 AM Bible Study
On Thursdays, we gather in the fellowship hall to take a deeper look at the scripture Pastor Joel will be preaching on the following Sunday.
We also like to make a joyful noise.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal 5:55 PM Thursday
Our Handbell Choir performs during worship on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7PM Thursday
Our Chancel Choir performs during worship. We participate in several combined choir events throughout the year including Ash Wednesday/Good Friday services with Rosedale Gardens and St. Paul’s.
If you are interested in learning more about how to become a part of either of our choirs, please join us on Thursdays or contact the church office for more information.