I’m New

I’m New

Welcome to St. Timothy! If you’re new, we’re sure that you have plenty of questions, let’s see if we can answer some of them for you!

  1. What time are Sunday Services? We start worship in person and online at 10:30AM ET
  2. How long does service last? Service can be anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half depending on if there is communion served (the first Sunday of the month). PS Communion bread is gluten free.
  3. What if I don’t know what to do during worship? Our worship is introvert friendly, we don’t require anyone to stand up and introduce themselves, there’s no passing of the peace. There is a bulletin you can pick up on the way in to help you follow along with the order of worship. The same information is also projected on screens in the sanctuary. We print prayers and songs in our bulletin, but you might find an occasional “Amen and Hallelujah” randomly thrown in at the end of prayers. In addition to our Pastor, each Sunday we have worship leaders that help guide us in worship.
  4. What kind of sermons should I expect? Pastor Joel preaches based on scripture. He either uses the Revised Common Lectionary or a designated series on a specific book of the Bible. Sermons are about 20 to 25 minutes in length. You can find previous sermons online here. On the third Sunday of the month, we have interactive sermons. The congregation is invited during that time to answer questions posed by Pastor Joel.
  5. Do I need to dress up? We’re a pretty casual church, you can check out the pictures around the website to see what we wear on Sundays and at other gatherings. Our congregation on any given Sunday may have a suit and tie, dress suit, leggings and tunic, jeans and a button up, khakis and polos, shorts and sandals, graphic tees and yoga pants.
  6. Do you have Sunday School for my children? Currently we do not offer Sunday School for children. Children of all ages are welcome to join us during worship. If you need an extra set of hands, just let an usher know and they’ll connect you with a member of the congregation that can worship alongside you and your family.
  7. Where can I park? We have on-site parking, several handicap friendly sites are available at the front of the building with a barrier-free entrance including a button operated door system.
  8. Can I find friends here? There are lots of opportunities through out the week and on Sunday to connect with people and develop friendships. We take time every Sunday after worship to enjoy each other’s company. The snacks and conversation are abundant. If you’re new and linger after the service, someone will definitely introduce themselves and find out a bit more about you. We also have several Bible studies both online and in person. Our choirs are always welcoming new members. And there’s lots of gatherings like the Men’s Association that gets together twice a month, Women’s Association that meets several times a month, the STARs (St. Timothy Active Retirees) that do projects around the church and community. St. Timothy is not a large church but we have a big heart and it shows in our relationships in and out of the church walls.
  9. How is St. Timothy serving the community at large? In addition to a variety of food drives, summer cereal collections, and warm clothing drives, St. Timothy is invested in the community of Livonia and beyond. We work alongside organizations like CROP Walk, Community Opportunity Center, Hope Clinic of Ypsilanti, and Operation Good Cheer. We are always looking for new ways to serve and love our neighbors.
  10. Where is St. Timothy Presbyterian located? We’re located in Livonia just South of the intersection of Newburgh and 6 Mile. The address is 16700 Newburgh Livonia, MI 48154