Do you remember when there were all those books about the gospel according to a certain person or perspective. Like The Gospel According to the Peanuts or the Willie Nelson. There might have even been one from the Harry Potter series. We’re having some fun here at St. Tim with that same concept. We’re asking members to take a week or two with a supplied camera and capture images of things that remind them of St. Timothy. This week, we have the first in the series!
St. Tim According to Tim Chanko
Tim has been a member of St. Timothy for over 30 years. He currently serves as an elder and chairs the finance committee. The church enjoys seeing him in plays at the Village Theater at Cherry Hill. He is active in St. Tim’s Men’s Association and always willing to help in the choirs. Tim enjoys playing ice hockey, traveling around the world, and when the Lions win.
When asked how he would describe St. Timothy in one sentence Tim replied, “St. Timothy is a small, laid-back church that: worships based on Biblical scripture, fellowships with a family feel, and serves the community with joy and enthusiasm.”
This is where our bonfire used to be before the sale of the land. It reminds me how God provides. Without the land sale, St Timothy as a church would have potentially ceased to exist.These pictures are of places the men meet up for food, fun, and fellowship. It reminds me of the fellowship of the church.These pictures are of places the men meet up for food, fun, and fellowship. It reminds me of the fellowship of the church.These pictures are of places the men meet up for food, fun, and fellowship. It reminds me of the fellowship of the church.These pictures are of places the men meet up for food, fun, and fellowship. It reminds me of the fellowship of the church.These pictures are of places the men meet up for food, fun, and fellowship. It reminds me of the fellowship of the church.This is a picture of a program of a Christmas cantata. A bit of nostalgia for me. Even though we don’t do them anymore, it reminds me of worshiping our God in one of many ways.A letter explaining Operation Good Cheer. It reminds me of our church serving the community in one of so many ways.This reminds me of the year of COVID and taking communion at home. It was a tough time, but God gave (and gives) us strength to persevere!This was a couple of pages from a play I did at St Timothy many years ago about Psalty the Bible. It was a cute play. More nostalgia. Another way we have worshipped God.This is music for the song Operator which I performed at St Timothy with others. One of my favorites!This is a bookmark that we have sent out with our stewardship letter. It reminds me of the great stewards of this church.This is a magnet that we give to visitors. It reminds me of the friendliness and warmth of this church.This is a Monopoly Boardwalk property and a hotel. It reminds me of our Boardwalk campaign and how giving this church is.These are 2 hymnals, one older and one newer. It reminds me how far we have grown as a church. Some things are different, some are the same but stronger.This is the One Great Hour of Sharing fish box, which we have done for so many years. It reminds me of the wonderful sharing of gifts of the congregation.This is a picture of the cover of the newest Lenten devotionals. I have enjoyed reading them over the years and contributing to them A wonderful way to pray.The old fellowship pads. It reminds me of our fellowship at church.The pew bibles. These have been there as long as I can remember (back to the 1980s). God’s word is timeless and never-failing!These are our new keypad for remote access,the newly painted far wall of the sanctuary,the new camera and projectors,the fellowship hall,and the new flooring. These all remind me of how God provides. These were all very costly additions to our church, and we are still going!This is the key to the doors for the security officers. This reminds me of the passage “The Lord is my strength and my shield” (Psalm 28:7).